NEW: PANA Diamond Nail Drill Bit (2025)

NEW: PANA Diamond Nail Drill Bit (1)

Beauticom is now introducing our new collectionof Pana Diamond Drill Bits!
The new Pana Diamond Drill Bits Collection is comes in many barrel shapes that Beauticomnow sells, such as; Ball Bits, Cuticle Safety Bits, Flame Bit, Nib Bit, ColumnBit, and lastly, Cone Bit. Now you may wonder, “But, Beauticom… I alreadyhave those bits in normal carbide, what’s the difference?”

The difference is that Diamond Drill Bits are designedto safely use on a client’s natural nail to focus on removing dead skin on thecuticles and surrounding nail walls without worrying about injuring the client.Unlike Pana’s normal Tungsten Carbide Drill Bits that are made to be long-lastingand reusable; Diamond Drill Bits normally made for shorter uses as these drillbits may dull much quicker due to the fact that Tungsten Carbide Drill Bits haveflute-like cuts to shave and cut through the surface while Diamond Drill Bitsare much less aggressive and lightly scratch off the surface of the nailbed. Pana’sDiamond Drill Bits are made out of a mix of synthetic and natural diamond particlesto make these bits easy to clean and last longer without rust. Although these DiamondDrill Bits are not as aggressive as Tungsten Carbide Drill Bits, they willcreate more dust and friction on the nail bed; therefore, is made to be used ata slower pace or the drill bit will heat up very quickly.

Determining Grit Sizes:

NEW: PANA Diamond Nail Drill Bit (2)

To help easily find the appropriate the grit size of most of the drill bits, Pana has taken a step further to design each nail drill bit to determine the grit sizes! There has been a couple ways to determine each Pana drill bit grit size, however, it was never acknowledge.

Some of our drill bits have abbreviations of the grit size on the tip of the drill bit, or a removable rubber ring on the shank of the drill bit, or lastly, the engraved colored ring on the shanks to help nail techs determine the grit size without having to feel or study the barrel closely. The color-coded system has been made universal for most drill bits to easily differentiate the various types of grit sizes available to nail drill bits. Some drill bits with the removable rubber ring not only serves the purpose of determining the grit size, but it may be adjusted on the shank to catch dirt and debris from entering the opening of the nail e-file drill.

All Pana grit sizes now share the same color legend to make sure there is less confusion: Yellow (XF), Red (F), Blue (M), Green (C), Black (XC), Orange (2XC), and Pink (3XC)

About Each Diamond Drill Bits:

NEW: PANA Diamond Nail Drill Bit (3)

Pana’s Ball Shaped Diamond Drill Bits

Pana’s Ball Shaped Diamond Drill Bits has ashape that is self-explanatory, it is shaped like a ball, and are great forcleaning the client’s sidewalls and can easily focus under the nail (when usingthe smaller ball bit). The main use of the Ball Bit is to clean the cuticlesand dead skin as well as prep for back fills without taking too excess amounts ofskin or nail plate.

NEW: PANA Diamond Nail Drill Bit (4)

Pana’s Cuticle Safety Diamond Drill Bits

Pana’s Cuticle Safety Diamond Drill Bits has straightnarrow barrels with a rounded tip to eliminate injury to the surrounding side wallsof the nail bed. The size of the barrel that Pana carries for the Cuticle SafetyDiamond Drill Bit is perfect to reach specific areas of the nail and isunharmful to the client.

NEW: PANA Diamond Nail Drill Bit (5)

Pana’s Flame/Nib Diamond Drill Bits

Both Pana’s Flame Diamond Drill Bits and Nib Diamond Drill Bits are verysimilar in its football shape and uses. The two different bits are perfect to alloweasier cuticle removal and help create a lifted and clean cuticle look. Theshape of the Flame Bits is narrower and more elongated to help create a gentlelift of the cuticles without damaging the surrounding areas. Whereas, the shapeof the Nib Bit is a little shorter and wider to allow precise movements and focusareas on the nail bed.

NEW: PANA Diamond Nail Drill Bit (6)

Pana’s Column Diamond Drill Bits

Pana’s Column Diamond Drill Bits has a shape thatis slightly similar to Pana’s Cuticle Safety Diamond Drill Bit with its long,narrow barrel, though the difference is that the tip of the Column Bit is flat.The long, narrow shape of the Column Diamond Drill Bit helps speeds up the nailservice by allowing more coverage of the nail bed when removing the oil andshine.

NEW: PANA Diamond Nail Drill Bit (7)

Pana’s Cone Shaped Diamond Drill Bits

Pana’s Cone Shaped Diamond Drill Bits has a taperedbarrel in different sizes which allows full capability of being a universaldrill bit to access hard to reach areas, cleaning cuticles and sidewalls, polishingthe nail bed, and, lastly, removing remaining products or shine on the top layerof the nail plate.

To learn more about other Pana Nail Drill Bits that Beauticom carries and the differences of the drill bits, read our blog post:The Guide to Nail Drill Bits

NEW: PANA Diamond Nail Drill Bit (2025)
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